Wednesday, June 30, 2010

US happy to discover Cold War is still happening

Following the arrest of 11 alleged Russian spies operating in the US, there was a collective sigh of relief across the nation: the Cold War was still going on.

Loathed for decades spanning the last half of the 20th century, the Cold War pitted communist Russia against the United States, and occasionally flared up, threatening nuclear destruction like the world has never seen. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and rise in terrorism, many Americans look back nostalgically on the days of simpler total warfare.

"I did a little jig when I heard about those spies," said pol/mil blogger Max Martin. "All this terror shit is just so complicated. They're Muslim, they're not Muslim. They're in Afghanistan. No wait, they're in Iraq. Wait, now they're in Somalia. Okay, we're pretty sure they're still in Afghanistan. Shit, give me a nuclear powered Russia any day of the week."

"Spies are so much cooler than terrorists," commented TMZ spokesman Eddie Arnold. "There are dozens of movies that revolve around spies--married spies, Russian spies, star-crossed spies, black spies, white spies, spy v spy. How many movies have been made about terrorists? Maybe three? Four? And they were all shit. Thank god."

Following the arrests by the Justice Department, Defense Secretary Gates made a rare statement. "We would be glad to reenter the Cold War if our former communist adversaries were willing to as well. We could all use an arms race given the current economic crisis, and, if agreed, we would even be willing to enter some traditional small armed conflicts, so long as they're not in Afghanistan. Cuba might work. Or Eastern Europe. Nothing is decided quite yet."


  1. Don't we execute Spies and or Traitors?

    Gregg Bergersen was sentenced to 57 months of confinement, after selling information regarding Spy Satellites, Space launches, and U.S Rocket technology, not to mention information regarding what weapons the U.S. were selling to Taiwan(all caught on tape mind you) to a known Chinese Spy.

    Dongfan "Greg" Chung, A former Boeing Engineer, that sold secrets to China for 30 years on DOD aircraft, weaknesses and stress tolerances. Got 15 years.

    Honestly these people should get the chair.

  2. Good post but you need a picture or I'm not posting it to my facebook wall and then you'll never be internet famous.

  3. Ahhh, good ol' Russia. The mother land never lets me down ya know? Just when I thought they were done after that whole war with Georgia thing, their spies get arrested. I mean, what happened to spies, honestly? First those Mossad agents get found out in Dubai after shwacking that Hamas guy, and now this? I call shenanigans on spy training.

  4. Don't worry Darren. These guys are not the _real_ spies, these are just the patsies to distract the investigators from the actual agents. Who do you think we are messing with here?

  5. So you're saying they were " Spys Like Us"?
