Monday, June 28, 2010

Colbert to America: Take Our Jobs!!

Starting next month, Stephen Colbert is rallying with illegal immigrants to encourage unemployed Americans to "Take Our Jobs" in a campaign to highlight just how much Americans don't want to work shitty, shitty jobs.

The comedian, along with United Farm Workers of America, will be challenging any unemployed American to go to and sign up for a hard labor position working this year's harvest. About half of such positions in America are filled by illegal immigrants, and critics of immigration reform claim that illegals are taking away these jobs from hard working Americans. Colbert says: if you want them, come and take them.

The fact is, harvest work, due to the long hours and triple digit temperatures, is listed as one of the Labor Departments most dangerous jobs in America. Also, the pay completely and totally sucks because harvest work isn't covered by Federal minimum wage requirements.

So, to the unemployed Americans working through their 92 weeks of unemployment checks, you've just been offered a job!

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