Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Norse God Odin Blows Up Iceland Following Poor Stock Performance

Shaper of Wyrd Norse God Odin admitted today that he covered Iceland in a thick cloud of magma and ash after his investments in the country went belly up in 2008. "I had a lot of money invested in Iceland. When it went bankrupt I got mad, we all did," explained Father of Thor on this morning's Today show. "Recessions hit immortals, too."

In the rare interview, Odin explained to Ann Curry that he wasn't the only god who lost substantial amounts of savings during the financial crisis. "I was just the only one who invested in Iceland. Then it went bankrupt. The country! How does that even happen."

Odin went on to explain his son, Thor, Protector of all Midgard, had forgone investing in the island country for sugar plantations and textile-based economies. "But they got hit, too. When he checked his bank account Haiti happened. Then Chile. He called me and told me to look at my account and so I did. I got mad."

"A lot of people think just because wield the power of earth, wind, water and fire that we're immune to financial instability. Do you know how big an IRA has to be for an immortal to live off it?" Odin said in the emotional interview.

Curry later asked how he felt about the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted daily in the airline industry. The Bender of Orlog was clearly upset and issued a curt apology. "Sorry."

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