Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Americans shocked to discover people die in war

Following the release of video footage from an Apache gunship by the website wikileak.org, millions of Americans were shocked to discover that people die in warzones.

The video, which has received nearly a million hits on YouTube has sparked controversy across the airwaves as Americans realized US soldiers kill people in warzones. "I thought we just handed out backpacks," said a local resident when hearing about the video.

In the edited video titled "collateral murder", two Apache helicopters engage armed personnel. It was later discovered that two Reuters reporters were embedded with the insurgents and tragically died. Later, the video shows a vehicle picking up the wounded which was also engaged in violation of Geneva Conventions.

"its about killing civilians in cold blood," wrote ze3rebana, who has probably never been to a war zone.

THERES MORE TO COME!!!! VIDEOS SHOWING THE TARGETING, ON PURPOSE, of WOMEN & CHILDREN USING BOMBS FROM A B1 BOMBER," wrote youchewb, an outraged viewer who posts videos of TuPac, the violent rapper, on his YouTube profile.

"this is so so wrong...." wrote rangsar, who was shocked to discover innocent people have died in Iraq.

"Death to America," wrote WoShiJoe, who didn't provide any contact information.

"I started crying around 8:40," wrote HeliosofSweden, a 22 year old male from Sweden who is into "vids and shit" according to his YouTube profile.

"Videos like [this] justify terrorist means against the USA. Simple as that," wrote pedritus2007, a 40 year old Portugeuse man who posts videos of World of Warcraft to his YouTube page and whose favorite videos include the "Free Hugs Campaign" video.

The video, which was shot in 2007 at the height of violence in Iraq when US forces were being attack 1,100 times a day across the country, later shows the soldiers who had just been shot at evacuating the wounded to American field hospitals.

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