Wednesday, April 7, 2010

C-SPAN to be broadcast in 3D

Watchers of Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN) will be putting on 3D glasses for the next Congressional session following news that the network is switching to 3D cameras to keep pace with newer technology.

"It's always been our mission to provide public access to Congressional hearings and various programs around the Hill. With 3D we'll be able to truly bring that experience to the viewer," wrote C-SPAN's president in a press release announcing the event.

3D filming techniques recently received a boost with the release of graphically intense films such as James Cameron's Avatar and Clash of the Titans. Many TVs are not yet equipped to support 3D shows, but C-SPAN is confident they've made the right move.

Focus groups sponsored by C-SPAN had generally positive things to say about the switch. "You can really feel just how hard it is for Barney Frank to breathe," said one viewer. "At one point I actually tried to reach out and slap Senator Reid," said another. "I'm convinced more than ever that Nancy Pelosi is a robot," reported a third, as they watched a Congressional and Senatorial debate over whether to moved National Boating Day from July 1st to July 3rd this year. The issue was ultimately resolved after heavy debate, and the day was switched to the 2nd at a cost of 4 billion dollars.

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