Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sign of the Apocalypse: Here comes the sun, really

Watch the skies tonight, especially if you're in the northern states or Canada, because we're about to get zapped by a gigantic solar flare. Will it make us all sterile? Crash planes? Kill the grid? Spirit Sarah Palin back to her home planet? No, no, no, and no, but it will make the sky a really pretty green.

Apocalypiticos are prepared to say this is the first folly from the sun as it gets ready to explode (or something) around 2012. Why? Because the Mayans SAID that's when the world would end. And wouldn't you trust a group of people who sacrificed each other by the tens of thousands and who could allegedly predict the end of times, but not the arrival of Europeans?

1 comment:

  1. Um, isn't this also a sign of the Zombie apocalypse? Get yir guns!!!
