Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Birthday, Fourth Corner!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A year ago today, the Fourth Corner launched with the ambitious goal to make its founder some pocket change through advertising revenue ... then that goal sort of changed into shamelessly publicizing books, which then evolved into a photo caption contest, which then evolved into making fun of Darren's beard, and for a while there I got bored and just started posting fake news headlines....

BUT, the Fourth Corner's original goal has been met, and exceeded. To date, we have made $35.99 from Google Adsense. Yes, pizza is on me tonight, America. Pizza for everyone.

Chump change isn't all that the Fourth Corner has accomplished in its first year though. We've achieved viewership in all 50 states (and the District), which still counts even though only one person ever logged in from Maine. WTF, Maine. We've broadcast the good word of randomness to over 62 countries, including two major war zones. We've had over 10,000 page views, most from me, but hey, who's counting? We had a minor viral posting about SnOMFG 2010, that got 350 views in a single day. We've eaten A LOT of burgers and sandwiches. We've predicted the apocalypse, and we've provided a soldier in Afghanistan an outlet to vent so hopefully when he comes back he won't kick us in the shins for making fun of his non-mustache. We also got to post this picture of Abe, which I still think is funny.

As for statistics:
  1. Page views: 10,500
  2. Page views for entire Fourth Corner empire: 15,000
  3. Most popular blog entry (aside from SnOMFG, which got featured on Washington Post): The October 9, 2009 photo caption contest
  4. Second most popular: "To the Fucker Who Broke Into My Car (Again)" (follow up: the police decided catching criminals wasn't quite worth the effort of viewing the video)
  5. Countries with largest following outside US: Canada, France, UK, India
  6. Google search that most often takes viewers to the site: "CNN Creature"
Thanks all for your help and participation!!


  1. Damn Rob, impressive. And the Year of Weekends deals effin sweet too!
    PS- I wont have to kick you in the shins. Members of my new Amish Gang, the Ezekiels, will do it for me!

  2. I enjoyed reading your Blog. Darrens new section is a good addition. I'm a fan of the "To my Co-Workers" story.

  3. What Countries are you missing still? Maybe I can help with a few?
