Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Liberal college considers becoming republican after paying taxes

"Fuck this shit!" said University of Washington junior Adam Young, a self-declared liberal, after mailing his taxes last night. "I'm voting republican!"

The news of Young's declared republicanism came as a shock to his roommate, Paul, an ROTC cadet who described Young as "a weak-kneed hippie liberal." "Maybe now he'll stop talking about all that health care crap," Paul explained.

Young, who didn't vote in the last election because he "didn't know about it until it was too late", was angered to discover that he wouldn't be getting a refund this year. "I tried everything, standard deduction, itemized deduction, and any way I did it I owed money!" the shocked student told reporters as he played Modern Warfare 2.

"I mean health care is good and all, but no one ever said it would cost money. This has really got me rethinking the whole thing."

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