Monday, March 29, 2010

Sarah Palin revokes use of term 'tea bagging'

Conservative political activist Sarah Palin asked followers to cease using the term 'tea-bagging' after discovering the term refers to a pornographic maneuver wherein a man dips his reproductive organs in the mouth of another person.

"Hey Americans, if you want real change to come to Washington in 2010 then we're gonna have to stop talking about men's testicles by accident," Palin said to a large crowd in Nevada.

"I really wish I'd Googled that before I put it on my sign," said Maurine Henderson, a mother of three who was blacking out "proud to be a tea-bagging mom" on a large picket sign.

Palin explained later that it was Levi who had told her about the original meaning of the term, which he learned while performing the position in a recent Playgirl photo spread. "He said 'ma, I don't think that's the sort of message you want to convey to all those over-taxed Americans out there.'"

Conservative talk shows were abuzz with the recent revelation. Glenn Beck issued an early apology saying that he did not mean to offend the tens of millions of people who knew what the term meant years ago. "I really, really, really, wish I had Googled this," Beck said. He later alleged that liberals were behind the mess, and that the term had probably been hijacked by the ultra-liberal porn industry to undermine the conservative movement. "It fits nicely with their socialist agenda of free love and ball-in-mouth dipping," he said in an Internet statement.

After a hurried town hall meeting in Ohio, one of the state's with the highest per capita numbers of Tea Party members it was decided to rebrand the movement to something less morally scandalous. In an announcement originally appearing on, and echoed throughout the social media community, it was decided to change the party name to the Cleveland Steamers "in honor of the momentus change and progress that the steam engine brought to all of America, and which we will bring to Congress in 2010. We are all Cleveland steaming mad about what's going on in Washington!"


  1. HAHAHA! Dude, you have been on FIRE.

  2. Palin ... Palin ... Palin. I bet you the late night talk shows are donating HUGE sums of money to her campaign. While she may destroy the nation as president, she will send their ratings through the roof!
