Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Google's Chrome Balls

Following Google's announcement yesterday that it had removed the censor filters from its search engine, millions of Chinese users immediately logged onto previously-blocked pornography sites. "I'd always wondered what two girls and a cup was, and now I know!" said a user of the new search engine who spoke to the Fourth Corner on condition of anonymity.

YouTube, also previously blocked in China, is now open to users through Google's uncensored search engine. "I always knew step one was to get a box, and that step two was to cut a hole in the box, but I never knew what the third step was! This is so exciting," said a teenage Nguyen at an internet cafe. Said his friend, "I thought it was going to be a regular wedding video, and then they all started dancing down the aisle. American weddings are so crazy!"

While YouTube received a large boost to its numbers following Google's removal of the government-mandated blocks, the social networking site Facebook was so inundated with requests for help in joining Mafia Wars and Farmville that servers in many parts of the country crashed. "My crops are failing and all of my children died after brushing with tainted toothpaste. Farmville really helps me escape," said Boqin Chang, who was later disappeared.