Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SnOMFG 2010: The Snowiest DC in History

SnOMFG 2010 as defined by the Urban Dictionary:

The massive snow storm that hit the Mid-Atlantic region of the US, specifcially
Northern Virginia, D.C., Maryland, West Virgina and Pennslyvania.

The first wave hit Feb 6, Saturday Morning, dropping a record 32.4 inches at Dulles
International Airport in a two day period. The second wave fell on Feb 9,
Tuesday morning and brought another 10-20 inches to the effected areas.

Yes, the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, namely, the Fourth Corner world headquarters has been socked by snow, yet again. As previously reported in December during the Great Virginia Blizzard of 2009, it's been a wholloping season for the DC region as we break record after record of snowfall. December 2009 hit the record for most snowfall in that month
since the record books existed. February is shaping up to be no different.

As reported by the micro-blog Outside the Beltway this winter the Washington DC region has had more snowfall than the past four winters combined. If we get hit again tonight with another storm in DC, then we'll have broken every single snow record on the books since, well, ever.


  1. It's funny how the snow in your yard fell all weird like that, huh?

  2. Breaking records left and right! Wish I would have gone to the grocery store!!!

  3. Of course, there are few sentient beings
    Who in the face of this rampant snow-storming
    Could resist taking a dig at Al Gore,
    The architect of dire global warming.

    Yours truly, by inference,
    Is not one of them,
    So that he could resist
    The chances are slim.

    And he can't avoid hoping
    (Though it's likely in vain)
    That Pachuauri, Gore, Krugman,et al.
    Won't try to explain
    The abundance of snow
    As having been triggered by "warming"
    That has so imbalanced the climate
    As to induce wintry storming.

    Putting 2 and 2 together
    Seldom equals 5
    Except in the minds of folks
    Who to befuddle "the public" contrive.

    When Obama's new "Climate agency"
    Begins to compute and report global average temperature--
    And corresponding regional averages--regularly
    Its various speculations we'll have to endure.

    And until Pennsylvania State University
    Severs ties with the prof who lent his name to the "Hockey stick" curve
    Objective observers will continue to conclude
    It's a severing action for which they "haven't the nerve"

    Oh well, regardless of how it might be explained,
    Our weather today features snow piled up deep
    That may be even deeper tomorrow morning
    Regardless of how deep may be tonight's sleep.
