Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More SnOMFG, Snowmaggedon, Snowpocalypse, Snowshank Redemption, Snowmagdon Man, Snowpublican Convention, District of Snowlombia, Blizzeratti 2010

More photos of a small dog tromping through the snow here in Virginia are up on the Year of Weekends site! Got a name for this year's blizzard? Let's hear them!


  1. 1. Snow Wars- A New Storm (or) Mother Nature Strikes Back (or) Return of the Blizzard
    2. Snowtorious B.I.G.
    3. Bliz Cassidy and the Snow Dance Kid
    4. 2010- The Mayans Were Wrong!
    5. Is That 32.4in of Snow in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? (Longest Porno name ever)

  2. Global Warming my ass...

    -josh c

  3. "Mr. Frost goes to Washington"
    "The Flake-a-buster 2010!"
    "Snow-bama takes the White House"
    "DC Winter 2010 - 100 Thousand White Houses"
    "White-Out at the White House"
    "Snow Dump 2010 - Jack Frost has IBS"
