Thursday, February 18, 2010

All the Rave in Mozambique!

They may rank the lowest on the Human Development Index and have one of the lowest life expectancies in the world, but the people of Mozambique do have one thing: the wit and wisdom of the Fourth Corner.

Yes, they may not understand English (Portuguese is the main language there), and they may not even have Facebook pages to talk about how brilliant this blog is, but what's important is that they logged on.

Who logged on you may ask? Who would be so bold, wise, and handsome to journey all the way to Mozambique just to put another notch on the Fourth Corner's world domination tour? None other than the triathlete, Brazzaville-Congo-knowing, Luisa-marrying, Brookland-living, First-Corner-making man himself: Steevie.

But there's one other country that's made it on the list last week. An honorable mention has to go out to Darren "The Phoenix" Rogers who may not be able to grow a mustache, but can win 'unwinnable' wars in Iraq and, more recently, Afghanistan. Don't let the Metallica shirt fool you, Darren will just as easily log onto the Fourth Corner as he will snap you like a twig if you're a terrorist.


  1. Are you missing Columbia? It sort of looks like you are on that map? I think we know a certain freedom loving U.S.American/Columbian that may/or may not help you out.

  2. We are missing Colombia. Maybe if I write "Meat Drawer" it will lure him in...
