Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Versus: Don Draper v Chuck Norris

There are some battles we all hope are never fought because the opponents are so menacing that even a victory results in a loss. Nuclear war between the US and Russia, for instance. Or Alien versus Predator (we all know how that turned out). Some battles are just best left untouched. Still, that doesn't preclude us from an academic discussion of who would win in such fights. And so we here at the Fourth Corner introduce Versus, a new forum where we will pit equally qualified men/heroes/villains/sodas/countries/tv infomercial hosts against one another to see who will emerge victorious.

In our first installment, consider Madmen's Don Draper and Chuck Norris. On the one hand, Don Draper is the man--he is cool, collected, has a unquenchable liver, is loved by ladies, and was born from grit only to be pulled up by his own bootstraps to the top of the food chain. On the other hand, Chuck Norris is Chuck Fucking Norris.



  1. Sorry, Rob, I didn't even read the article. I saw the picture on the left and knew immediately that it was lights-out for the other guy.

  2. Don Draper beats Chuck Norris when in a moment of sexual confusion, Chuck Norris hits on Don Draper.

  3. It's simple. Nothing beats Chuck Norris, except Chuck Norris. However, I believe that Don Draper would beat Chuck Norris. So using that original logic, (Nothing beats Chuck Norris, except Chuck Norris.) Which in turn means that Don Draper "is" Chuck Norris.
