Monday, May 24, 2010

World hopes North Korea doesn't do anything stupid

The United Nations held an emergency meeting last night to pass a resolution labeling North Korea as "bat shit crazy." The resolution passed 4-1 among the Big 5 members, with China only voting "present."

The vote comes on the heels of South Korea accusing North Korea of sinking one of its Naval warships within its sovereign maritime boundaries. North Korea has responded with further threats, saying that if it is attacked it will "go fucking nuts on Seoul."

South Korea's response so far has been measured but forceful. It is ending a six-year moratorium on cross-border propaganda--pointing loudspeakers and slogans across the DMZ at North Korea, and severing the few existing trade ties with its northern counterpart. North Korea's KCNA reported that it would destroy any new propaganda with artillery shells.

In an official statement from the Rose Garden, President Obama said he "really really hopes" that the situation does not devolve into war on the Korean Peninsula, explaining that it would "be totally shitty. This is why we called upon the United Nations to achieve consensus in the International Community that Kim Jong Il is nuttier than a Baby Ruth."

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates also weighed in, "Any conflict with North Korea would suck the Almighty's balls. South Korea goes to war with them, and we pretty much go to war with China and they have, like, a billion people. Plus, have you seen the Karate Kid? That Kung Fu shit is brutal."

The United States currently has 28,000 military personnel stationed in Korea.

Following the UN vote, President of the UN General Assembly Ali Abdussalam Treki added that the "entire world hopes the people of North Korea don't do anything stupid. Please, please, please don't do anything stupid."


  1. for china to turn against the u.s. in favor of a little shitstain like n korea would mean;no more trillion dollar american market and walk away from +trillion dollar u.s. investments.
    this makes as much sense as the japanese who attacked america, their primary source of war materials! while china has zero ethics, they will see which side of the bread is buttered.
    like the russians, they are total whores for iranian gold, even risking nuclear proliferation, since pakistan is on that path anyway.(great, now two insane islamist nations. but at least we know where to retaliate).north korea differs from that with supplying nukes to stateless islamic terrorists, tho that kim fucker must know we won't require legal evidence against him when nyc is destroyed. won't be an iraq style invasion,more like anhilation.

  2. Look! A Crazy has discovered The Fourth Corner! Looks like you can stick a pin in BatShittia on your page views map. Hehe.

  3. Glen Beck... is that you? No, I think it's Rand Paul in a Beck mask. Sweet
