Friday, March 12, 2010

Maryland most GPS'd state in the union

A study published by TeleNav and reported in the Baltimore Sun, shows that Maryland drivers use GPS devices more than drivers in any other state. While the Baltimore Sun argued Maryland's high GPS use may be due to the state's relative affluence and hi-tech defense industry, most accept it's because Maryland roads are harder to navigate than Jareth the Goblin King's Labyrinth.

Other interesting results from the study: DC earned the second place spot for most-dependent GPS drivers, probably because of how often its residents have to go to Maryland. Virginia placed seventh.

As for the most-searched item on GPS: Walmart took the cake. Pizza was the most searched for food, which is odd, because it's not particularly a fast food.


  1. If you saw the fifth season of The Wire, you'd realize that The Sun isn't exactly a shining beacon of truth.

    From a neutral perspective, I can tell you that Virginia is, in fact, the most confusing state in the union. While many like to call Maryland's diaper "The Twilight Zone," I think Dante actually used VA for his complex model of Hell.

  2. I think it's pretty straight forward...

  3. Great Labyrinth reference. It's hard to find fitting parallels but well done indeed! Maryland. I don’t even want to talk about MD. It would explain their wretched driving habits (and DC’s come to think of it)… then again, when you need pizza at 3am – by god, there is no faster way to sweet salvation.
