Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Punxsutawney Phil feels pinch of recession

Punxsutawney Phil, that groundhog in Pennsylvania who is endowed with the gift of prophecy, has seen his shadow. Six more weeks of winter are due.

But humans aren't the only species desperate for work this year. With the recession in full swing, other animals around the world are vying for the top spot of ma' nature meteorologist. A short tabulation of other animals that predicted how long winter would last in 2010:

* Punxsutawney Phil of Pennsylvania - Saw his shadow

* Dover Doug - Saw his shadow

* Richard of Quarryville - Did not see his shadow

* Octoraro Orphie - Did not see his shadow

* Jimmy of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin - Did not see his shadow

* General Beauregard Lee of Snellville, Georgia - Did not see his shadow

* Malverne Mel of Malverne, New York - Saw his shadow

* Chuck of Staten Island NYC - Did not see his shadow

* Willie of Woodstock, Illinois - Did not see his shadow

* Willie of Wiarton, Ontario - Saw his shadow

* Joe of Spanish, Ontario - Saw his shadow

* Dave of Dunkirk, New York - Did not see his shadow

* Buckeye Chuck of Marion, Ohio - Did not see his adumbration and endure but not the least

* Sam of Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia - Saw his shadow

And then there is Groundfrog Day, in Snohomish, Washington. As far as I can tell, Seattlites are promised eight more weeks of soggy weather if, on Groundhog day (sorry, Groundfrog day), they rub the belly of a frog. Snohomish Slew, the "meteorologist frognositcator", also predicted six more weeks of winter, and that the silvertips would win at the Western Hockey League this season (check out the Snoho paper for more details)

Whoever you rely on in these tough times to predict your winter weather--whether it's a groundhog, or groundfrog--one thing is certain: the jobs of strange men in top hats will persevere.

(Keep an eye out for hot, hot news pornography at the end of the clip, laugh about Australia, and then visit us over at The Dingo.)

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(Photo credits: Top photo from Doug Ramsay in the Tribune)

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