Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Woman craves sex all day every day in a freak accident

Those quirky British tabloids have picked up on one of the most peculiar stories of the decade: a British woman's pelvic nerve was struck in a 2007 car accident leaving her constantly sexually aroused. The damaged nerve was effectively left switched on.

The condition is known as Restless Genital Syndrome or Persistent Sexual Arousal.

As amusing as the condition may sound, Joleen Baughman, assures it's no laughing matter and has made her life miserable. "It's unbearable," she told the Mirror, "just my clothes rubbing gets me so aroused that I can hardly think straight."

The woman, married for 20 years, claims she can find no relief. "We'd have sex once and I'd feel no release at all."

"So we'd go again and then it would start really hurting but I would still want sex, even more than before.

"If my husband managed to go for a third time it would be agony but I would still feel no release."


  1. I think I saw a documentary on Cinemax about her. Really educational as I remember...

  2. I believe that the more recent name for this condition is PGAD, persistent genital arousal disorder which means that the arousal is not caused by sexual triggers but by nerve malfunction.
