Friday, January 8, 2010

Sign of the Apocalypse: Raining Lizards

While the mid-west is registering windchills of -52 degrees this week, another sunnier clime is also suffering.

Not even Florida--the southernmost state in the contiguous US--has escaped the freeze, and neither has its wildlife. While oranges are freezing on the trees, there is another less-likely victim of the 30 degree temperatures: iguanas.

The cold-blooded creatures are getting so cold that they're literally falling out of the trees. The reptiles become immobilized and lose their grip when the temperatures dip below 40, according to the Washington Post. With temperatures expected to dip into the 20s in Florida this week, it could be raining iguanas.

Animal-lovers fear not though. The sub-freezing temperatures don't kill the lizards. Instead it just puts them in suspended animation. When warmer climes return to the Sunshine State, the lizards wake up and go back to what they were doing when they were frozen. On these cold winter that's something we'd all like to do.

Raining reptiles and amphibians was previously witnessed in Japan and listed on the Fourth Corner as a sign of the apocalypse. That's twice in less than a year. Prepare for rapture.

But before you head to church to absolve all those new year's sins, why not witness this sign of the apocalypse yourself? The nations' cold snap is predicted to end in a week, so book your plane tickets now, watch out for grumpy lizards, and follow us on another Year of Weekends.

1 comment:

  1. Hm. Suspended animation, eh? Sounds like me during winter...
