Thursday, January 28, 2010

All the rave in 52 countries!

The Fourth Corner has truly reached all four corners of the globe. We're now streaming live in 52 countries across the world, bridging differences and making world peace a real possibility from Saudi Arabia to Bangladesh, and Norway to New Zealand. Why, we've even been viewed in Haiti despite their devastating earthquake.

But there remains one place on this globe that doesn't support world peace and shields its eyes from the bright beacon of truth that is the Fourth Corner. That place is Delaware, USA.

The Fourth Corner is about to turn one in March, and we're dedicated to putting all 50 states on the map before that happens. That's why we're putting out an all-call to all the Fourth Corner followers out there. Do you know someone in Delaware? If you do, tell them what's at stake: world peace.

The web team here would also like to apologize for last week's lapse on including pictures of cats on the site. A holy pact with our viewers was broken, even when through the lens of sarcasm we put a picture of Abe and a cat online. Our apologies.

But for now! Go fourth! To Delaware!


  1. Wow, Delaware. The lone hold out. I can't say I know anyone there... I asked around and it turns out no one I know, has any connection with Delaware...although I do have a Delaware Quarter in my pocket, proving to me that it is indeed a state.

  2. Second thought, Steph just had an idea that you should make your website more Delaware friendly. Have the Fourth Corner meet more of their needs.

  3. Yes. But what's Delaware friendly? I guess I'll have to give an up-to-the-minute report on the latest in Dover.

  4. I live in Delaware. What can I do for world peace?

  5. David! You may have already done it! I'll let you know if Delaware has popped up on the map!
